
DMN introduces MIVIS V3 – the most powerful real-time automotive solutions App

DMN, the vehicle movement people, has introduced the most powerful version of its real-time automotive solutions App – MIVIS V3 – across its workforce.

MIVIS is a real-time automotive solutions App, designed to enhance communication and visibility across automotive operations. Web based and configurable across third party platforms, MIVIS offers immediate access to data – giving user’s transparency in real-time of each vehicle being inspected, collected or delivered.

Tailored to client’s requirements

Built from the ground up by DMN’s in-house development team, the robust, powerful and scalable solution can be tailored to each client’s specific requirements, no matter how complex.

MIVIS provides a multitude of functions to simplify the vehicle management process, including driver appraisals and fully-costed vehicle inspections.

Functionality is driven by process controls that guide the user, to ensure that a consistent approach is followed – providing reliable, uniformed and quality data.

All MIVIS information is available in real-time to ensure informed decisions can be made immediately, helping to enhance logistic efficiencies – adding value across the whole supply chain.

Inspect & Collect

Gary Xuereb, inspections and sales director at DMN said, ‘MIVIS sits at the very core of our newly formed Inspections and Customer Solutions division, and is the technology powering our Inspect & Collect service.

‘The real-time connectivity and tailored functionality of MIVIS provides a truly dynamic solution to assist businesses and fleet operators with their vehicle asset management portfolios, enhancing efficiencies and, ultimately, cost controls.’

Since launching MIVIS V3, DMN has already noted sizable developments across the business; from raised service levels, improved operational efficiencies and complete visibility – all due to real-time access to quality information. The seamless inclusion of Inspect & Collect has not only brought new business to DMN but also strengthened existing relationships by offering a competitive, inclusive service.

Automotive solutions

As the default solution for vehicle movements, the standard functions of MIVIS can be applied across other automotive solutions such as driver safety checks, compound inspections, post-repair audits, grey fleet checks, driver mileage, upstream remarketing and vehicle condition status.

MIVIS V3 features movement tracking; damage capture; vehicle imaging; costings; electronic signature capture; and geotagged inspection and appraisal for robust asset auditing.

To find out how MIVIS can support your automotive solutions, please contact Gary Xuereb on 02033 971 981 or email gary.xuereb@dmnlogistics.co.uk.

Nick Chadaway DMN

DMN targets future growth as it develops expertise and evolves to meet changing client requirements

Vehicle movement specialists, DMN is targeting future growth by developing its core business philosophy of ‘driven by people, supported by technology’ as it responds to changing customer needs.

Under the leadership of managing director Nick Chadaway, DMN has made a series of changes across its business including refining and enhancing its service offerings of: vehicle movements; Inspect & Collect; outsourced staff solutions; and MIVIS – the company’s vehicle movement and inspection solutions app.

Enhanced solutions

The refreshed impetus has already seen DMN enhance its solution provisions to clients across the UK including BT Fleet, Fleet Assist and Royal Mail.

A key focus for the business has been the development of its Inspect & Collect service which continues to elevate the levels of consistency and professionalism within the field of vehicle inspections and collections.

Utilising skilled staff and powered by a consistent technology driven processes, Inspect & Collect ensures all vehicles are inspected to either BVRLA or a customer’s own standards. The service ensures any vehicle damage is imaged, a signature is obtained at the point of inspection in order to minimise any potential disputes and, more importantly, the vehicle is immediately removed from the client’s location in one seamless transaction.

The service is supported by DMN’s own digital systems App – MIVIS which provides real time vehicle tracking, damage capture, vehicle imaging and electronic signature capabilities.

Refreshed business focus

‘It really is an exciting time for us as a business right now,’ explained DMN managing director, Nick Chadaway. ‘Our refreshed business focus has allowed us to improve our core provisions of quality service, high calibre personnel and intelligent technology. This is providing us with a sound footing on which to deliver enhanced services in both the physical and digital space with data a key driver in providing automotive insight to current and future potential partners.’

The ‘one stop shop’ for vehicle movement needs, DMN is currently undergoing a major recruitment drive to cater for the increased demand for its Inspect & Collect and outsourced staff solutions as part of its planned future growth.

To find out more, visit: https://www.dmnlogistics.co.uk/careers/

DMN Logistics pushes growth pedal to the metal

A Birmingham logistics specialist is gearing up for record growth following significant investment in new premises, vehicles and branding.

DMN Logistics, which offers a range of vehicle logistics services including collection and delivery, storage, maintenance and specialist driver recruitment, has acquired two new premises in the Digbeth area of the city spanning over 16,000 square feet to house its head office and vehicle storage functions.

The company, which employs 50 people in Birmingham and a further 155 nationwide and handles over 65,000 vehicle deliveries annually, has also made significant investments in its covered vehicle transportation offering, acquiring 5 new car trailers for transporting prestige marques and electric vehicles.

These developments, coupled with further investments in fresh company branding, a new customer mobile app and website, put the £4.9 million turnover business firmly on track for record double digit growth this year as it looks to build on its top 5 positioning within the UK vehicle logistics market.

Commenting on the news, Nick Chadaway, managing director of the company, says:

“From relatively humble beginnings in 2010, we have steadily grown the business year on year and gained a solid reputation as a trusted supplier to commercial vehicle users the length of the UK. We set out our stall as a people-focussed operation from day one and this philosophy continues to serve the business well to this day, helping us retain prized blue-chip clients such at BT Fleet and CAT UK.

“Looking ahead, we see growing demand for our covered vehicle transport service, especially given the rise to prominence of electric vehicles and will be actively focussing on developing our driver services offering as more and more customers opt to rent drivers for their fleets on a short-term basis.”

DMN Logistics serves over 110  commercial clients nationwide, offering vehicle collection and delivery services from Aberdeen to Zennor. For further information, visit www.dmnlogistics.co.uk.

Look after employees as well as customers

I came across an article recently that showed the automotive sector is now bottom of the league table for customer service, below insurance and utility companies.  The article also showed that honesty is the most valued trait in the way a company deals with customers, cited as a top three trait by 50% of people, followed by efficiency (48%) and reliability (44%).

One of the biggest mistakes lots of businesses make is not being both customer and employee centric. If you look after your employees, they will look after your customers.

Being slow to respond to web, email and phone enquiries is certain to give potential customers a bad impression. Ignoring customers is a cardinal sin. So everyone that touches a customer should be trained to respond quickly to all enquiries.

It may seem trivial, but when you consider that 85% of consumers that don’t have a call answered will never call back, and three quarters won’t leave an answerphone message either (I certainly won’t !).

A well trained, and engaged employee will go the extra mile to respond to all enquiries and shine for your business – we have lots of them here at DMN !

Social Media – Business use?

We’ve been using Social Media for DMN Logistics for around 4 years, and we’ve really enjoyed some of the campaigns and feedback we’ve received through the various platforms. We have a modest amount of followers, but I thought I’d do some research into just how big the reach is on these rapidly expanding sites, and see if we are doing it right ?

Facebook – 1.13 billion daily active users, more than 50% of which are mobile only. They add 500,000 new users every day, that’s 6 new profiles per second !

In the business world, 50 million small businesses have active pages, and 3 million of these are paying for advertising. 75% of brands on Facebook promote their posts (promote = pay for Facebook to display their posts to users that may not ordinarily see them)

Twitter – 100 million daily active users, 82% of which are using mobiles to access. 44% of accounts created left before they were ever used.

On the business side of things, 130000 businesses advertise actively on Twitter, with 83% of big business engaging with their customers this way.

Linkedin – (Facebook for grown-ups) has 470 million active users, with 25% using the site monthly. 1 of every 3 professionals on the planet is on LinkedIn. There are over 4 million company pages which drive more traffic to blogs and websites than Facebook and Twitter combined. 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn in the recruiting process. 87% !

What does all this mean ? It means that we’re off to start advertising on LinkedIn to find some more of the best possible staff and drivers for our business ! (And we’re going to Facebook to see that video of the angry sheep…).

Electric Vehicles – come of age

I’ve been reading the coverage from the Paris motor show and there is a common theme coming through – manufacturers believe the electric vehicle (EV) is the future.

Announcements at Paris from Peugeot, Vauxhall/Opel and Mercedes-Benz, which unveiled its Generation EQ concept and says that by 2025, it expects to have 10 different EVs in its model range accounting for 15-25% of sales.

However, two cars really stood out for me. The Volkswagen ID looks like a Golf reimagined as an uncompromised electric car. Promised in production form by 2020 – that’s only 4 years from now – and it boasts a range of up to 373 miles and will be sold at what VW describes as “an attractive price”. This sounds like a potential game changer !

Also announced, to much less fanfare but equally eye-catching, to my mind, was the facelifted version of the Renault Zoe. This is a car that many would recognise without realising it and which is available today at a reasonable price.

Now, however, it will have a substantial 250-mile range, which again marks it out as something really interesting. Perhaps for the first time, a small family EV with a relatively low purchase price and competitive running cost profile can be driven all day long, making it much more suitable for all kinds of use.

It feels like Paris 2016 might be the moment we look back on and say, this was when we realised fleets would soon be using EVs in much larger numbers.

Certainly, you will soon be able to go out and order an enhanced Zoe while the VW ID is little more than an average fleet cycle away from the showrooms. If their pricing is competitive, there is no reason that cars like these should not become commonplace.

It could be the car you are driving now is the last you will have powered by an internal combustion engine. These are exciting times.

Driver Training – the role of the trainer

At nearly all of the meetings I go to with customers, a real focus is appearing on driver training and preventing accidents which lead to costly down-time and potential brand damage.

The role of the delivery driver is well-defined; they are on the front line representing our Customer and our Company, in some highly visible vehicles.

Our Driver Trainers have a very difficult role in that they are training users to drive a number of different vehicle types in a number of different circumstances, up against some critical time pressures. This clearly requires a high level of skill, qualifications and experience on different vehicle types.

This led me to ask the questions of ‘What qualifications are needed to be a successful driver trainer ?” The best practice we could identify was to work closely with RoSPA to qualify our trainers with their advanced driving qualifications, and to work closely with the customers product range to develop the knowledge required to pass on to our drivers. As a result, I am delighted to say that three of our team recently passed the Advanced Driving Qualification from RoSPA and continue to develop the best possible training courses for our drivers !

Covered Vehicle Delivery?

I spend a lot of time talking with customers about their needs and pinch-points, and a common theme that has developed over the last 12 months is a need for a single supplier to offer both ‘Driven’ vehicle delivery and affordable ‘Transported’ delivery.

Traditionally transported delivery has been very expensive and with a long (4 – 5 day) lead time, which doesn’t really meet the needs of the industry. DMN decided to change this, and we’ve just launched our very own Transported Delivery Service with a difference. We have used Ford Rangers and Brian James Race Spec 6 fully covered trailers to enable us to give a flexible and cost-effective approach to transport making us a one-stop shop for the customer.